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The fundraising process:

God has been so good and faithful during fundraising, He has encouraged and supported me in so many unique and special ways and I wanted to share some of the stories of how He’s shown up into the past couple of months:

My first fundraiser was incredible, I was blessed to be alongside three other women also fundraising for different missions. I had decided to make charcuterie boards and different woodworking hand made items as my first fundraiser. I was at most asking the Lord to raise 1000$ but expecting about 300$ to be raised and He came through so abundantly, we completely sold out! I had maybe five items left and made 960$!! I had procrastinated on one or two boards, and that was the amount needed to hit the 1,000 mark. God has constantly been reminding me that He does what I can’t not what I won’t, but blesses me so much in the process. One of the ways He came through so drastically was at the very beginning of fundraising, I was praying at work that morning asking God to lay financially support me on some people’s hearts that day and I raised 500$ that morning between three people! A few weeks later I met three missionaries or spouses of missionaries within 48 hours, completely at random! From being at my night job and meeting a girl while cleaning the bathroom, meeting two older gentleman at my morning job at a pool. One of them prayed for me and spent time giving me advice and the other may be allowing me to put fundraising merch at his sno cone stand! God is so good at encouraging me when I need it and strengthening my faith as I walk this journey out, He never fails.

Even the cops are after me!!!

My most recent fundraising endeavor has been Christian T-shirts! Super exciting lots of work but definitely less stressful than woodworking! I have been very blessed to use a church’s downstairs youth area (with a t-shirt press) as the area to make my shirts. Recently I was downstairs finishing up my last shirts for this batch and a police officer walks in…. – now it’s important to know during the time I was there , there was also a food bank being hosted by the church and there is an officer normally posted there for everyone’s safety ( so having an officer in the building is normal.) Anyway the officer walks in ( the dimly lit basement I’m making shirts in) and goes “ WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!” I responded scared out of my wits “ I’m uhm uhm making uhm T-shirts” she then reply’s “ ARE YOU ALLOWED TO BE DOWN HERE” (-at this point i am just scared and mumbling) I attempted to make out that my mother worked at the church but couldn’t put it to words and at that moment my mother and stepdad pop their heads in the door and burst out laughing, everyone is rolling in laughter and I am beat red. Moral of the story sometimes in fundraising you may even have to endure tribulation from police officers but stand strong for the faith!

Kindness from a stranger

My most recent story was from this evening, I had decided to go out to a small area, I used to fish at in the lake in my town for a Father daughter date with The Lord. I had gotten all dressed up and had a blanket, journal and peace tea-i am fully prepared! I get out to this spot and there is an older lady in a van at the same place, I ended up striking conversation and she is the spitting image of my great aunt who passed away a few years ago she had the same buzz cut, same tye dye shirt, even the same name! As we are talking she tells me about her life and her travels and how she used to live in Indonesia (one of the countries I will be in) such an incredible lady! So I end up finishing up our conversation and spending time with The Lord and then somehow ended up in the lake in a full length dress, I finally get out sopping wet, barefoot hauling everything back to my car and sitting on the hood it this book (below) and it is a planner for my trip ! This random lady that I could have been convinced in her being my great aunt had given me this gorgeous snake skin planner that I was needing for the trip! God is good He works in unique, out of the blue mysterious ways and my personal favorite traits at the time being, is God is kind and so faithful!

If you made it this far I want to thank you for your support! Even just taking time to read this means the world to me if you feel led to support in prayer that would be such a blessing or if you felt led to support financially, it would be a blessing aswell. My fundraising link is below 👇 if you are interested.

I am so excited to see how else God chooses to work and excited to share it with you, stay tuned for the next post and please comment your favorite story!