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The Gospel

My beloved got on the cross and died for me

My beloved yearned for relationship and intimacy

My beloved took on my shame, temptation, and every pain I could ever endure

My beloved defeated death and redeemed me

My beloved would do all over again, even if it was just for me

There will be miracles

Miracles are everywhere you just have to know where to look.

Since being in South Africa I have seen such change in my heart already. Growing with God sometimes seems to me to be at an odd pace but it’s a perfect pace- each stride, canter, pause, beeline and even the moments of feeling regression, He is satisfied with me. The words “depart from me I never knew you” will not be ones I hear from my Father- my salvation is in nothing but Jesus Christ and it is beautiful to look towards that beautiful day I get to see Him once again.

Every prayer, every tear sown, and every song of joy my Father holds so well- He is The God of the big and small. A week ago my team and the team we’re currently partnered with saw healing in a lady’s back that we met at a retirement home. Our teams have seen 44 salvations (that we know of) since being here. We have seen unity amongst ourselves grow and learned what true rest with Him looks like.

Our teams have been privileged to speak in the school here in Durban- sharing the Gospel, testimony’s, and building relationships with the kids

I cannot express the joy it is to see faces light up in curiosity and share The Gospel to the eager and willing hearts and beautiful young people we meet. Junior high has always had my heart and it’s predominantly the age group I’ve gotten to speak with. Their questions range from Takis, Elon Musk, school, family and even if we could “speak British.” 38 students gave their lives to Jesus in one of the classes!

Our main ministry has been evangelism- in schools, apartment complexes, and more commonly then I was expecting Ubers. I have fallen in love with it and honestly am so excited for the opportunity’s God has for more evangelism in the states.

On our way to South Africa we had a layover in Florida, after interacting with people in the U.S, I was reminded of how busy and distracted we can be. In the country’s I’ve visited, most people make relationship a priority over efficiency, they take time, money, and extreme intentionality to build relationships even if for a moment and they may never see you again. I wonder how many moments you and I have missed because of distraction, hurry, or the lack of being interruptible? By putting on The mind of Christ and seeing with His eyes there are so many devine appointments and special moments He has, if you’ll just look

It has been such a beautiful time partnered with another team, as-well as Circuit Riders SA, but our time here has come to an end. In two days we head to Swaziland to regroup with our whole squad, serviceless and a whole new adventure in ministry and whatever The Lord has for us!

Just for fun

Scary shark
Happy birthday Ella