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  1. Hey Y’all! My name is Isabella Everett and I am so excited to be Going on the World Race ‘24 Gap Year!           Why The world race?  
    Back in December I met someone who had been on the race and a few months before that had a friend of a friend leave for her trip and just talking to them and hearing how God changed there lives sparked an interest. I was at a point in my life that I had been working 2-3 jobs for 2-3 years each and was ready to do something new and impactful. A few months after it was still on my heart and I reached out and applied! I honestly didn’t think I would be accepted because of the rigorous process and interviews, I thought that some of the things I had struggled with previously in my life would prohibit them from accepting me.  When I got accepted I was overjoyed but quickly hit a burn out, I had given up any interest on going, I had my life all planned out at that time and the race seemed to mess up my plans. Little did I know God came in a wrecked all of the plans I had for myself and it was very discouraging and I felt like I was losing everything, from my house to the ministry I wanted to be in even the person I had been interested in. BUT GOD…. God came through as I was praying one night  in my church, it was a night nobody was in the auditorium and as I cried out to Him confused at what his will was for my life I look up ( and for some reason I never noticed) there is a like 5 foot sign on the back of my church that say “MISSIONS”. The Lord literally gave me a sign and I still questioned it, all the way up to one day I finally decided to give it to him and fast for an answer, someone came and prayed for me.  He then gave me His peace that passed my understanding but yet was so clear what He was calling me to that I finally said okay Lord let’s do it.

where am I going?

I am leaving for training camp in Tennessee in August! After that we will be going to Guatemala, South Africa, EsWatini, and Indonesia! We have no idea about how much time we will be spending per country in the 9 months. It could be an even amount or spend the majority in one country, But God is good and faithful and has a specific will for our time!

                    A little more about me

I am an 18 year old ( in June) west Texas girl who absolutely loves Jesus. I love Teaching,  dancing, and anything adventurous or adrenaline filled. I have had the pleasure to teach jr high in extracurricular activities, including coaching and dance teaching (for three semesters) and an after school Bible education for elementary schools for two. Teaching is my passion and it happens everywhere I go, from being a swim instructor/ Aerobics instructor/ coach at one job to being a trainer at another, even teaching in Martial Arts. I have always loved teaching, specifically the middle school age group, but all glory to God, it has solely been through His strength He has given me the ability and opportunity’s to teach. I Graduated in 2020 right before I turned 14 and then moved out and started working at 15. I had the insane privilege of going to ministry school in 2023 and submitting my final paper a couple of weeks ago! Between work, School and overall this season of life coming to a close, it is such an incredible opportunity to be a missionary overseas. God has been teaching me through the whole process, from the application, to learning to let Him lead, even the fundraising process has all been an incredibly difficult but yet such a blessed faith building experience, but it has just barely begun! Thank you for journeying along side me in this experience and I’m so excited to see what God is going to do next!

5 responses to “Welcome! First Blog Post!”

  1. Still praying that your fundraising comes through, for health and preparation of hearts for the message your bringing.

  2. Where in Tennessee will you be training? We are just south of Nashville. If you are close, Ed and I would be glad to have you over for dinner or help out however we can!

    • I actually will be apparently training in Gainesville, Georgia! Thank you so much for your support though!